Tecnetico updates his iPhone 3G prediction for Puerto Rico (September)

· 5 min read
So a few weeks ago we were talking about when the iPhone will be available in Puerto Rico and we finally were pointed to an article that said that sources with 'full credibility' had informed Tecnetico.com that the iPhone 3G would be hitting Puerto Rican shores in July 11th just like in the USA. Today is July 11th. There is no iPhone in Puerto Rico. Apparently some people were upset enough with that to start sending emails to Tecnetico and he had to write a 'editorial' about the subject. In this editorial he (Wilton Vargas) explains that it was just rumor and speculation and that it sucks that he didn't get it right. Trying to show some proof that he has actually researched the subject of the iPhone in Puerto Rico he has posted a email 'conversation' between him and Patricia del Carmen Ramirez at America Movil (Claro) and she reinstates what I had said in my previous post about the subject. Claro has no say about the iPhone in Puerto Rico because AT&T has the contract for 'The United States and its Territories'. End of the story. It is interesting that Tecnetico has chosen to update his site the way he has. Making the words 'I am proud that our track record is still untouched' bold Instead of highlighting his new September prediction, also from 'sources of entire credit'. So there you have it, Tecnetico reporting rumor and speculation leaves their track record intact, they are now rumoring and speculating that September will be the new date. Since Wilton Vargas is a radio and television personality and apparently his 'sources' are about as reliable as my sources. I will now rumor and speculate the following:
    The iPhone 3G will be released in Puerto Rico at some point within the next year.The iPhone 3G will be on AT&T's networkThe iPhone 3G will work just like it does in the United States (it already does >.>)
There you have it. They are the only 3 things I know for a fact. The reason why this is such a problematic issue is that AT&T is huge. There are various departments that are involved in bringing a product to Puerto Rico and therefore there is a lot of rumor, speculation and in the end delays. AT&T representatives in Puerto Rico have been awaiting the iPhone since it's launch last year. The iPhone has had various launch dates internally and something always goes wrong in the last minute. I am sure that Apple's revenue sharing also came into play. There is really no competition for a phone like the iPhone in Puerto Rico. Sure all the big carriers are down there, but most people are still on the regional carriers like Centennial who's phones are just now getting color screens (NOTE: this is obviously hyperbole, but seriously their phones suck). This means that AT&T expects to get a flood of sales when it finally launches. I am sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but that is the state of the iPhone right now. AT&T is getting ready, it might take a while. Thank you to everybody who emailed me about the Tecnetico story. Update 1 (7/11/08) : An example of a news bit is the first comment on this thread. According to 'Obsessed iPhone 3G Researcher' AT&T is ready to take orders (Which would be weird since they did not do this in the states) and will launch it a week from today, July 17th, 2008. If this turns out to be true, you heard it here first people :). Thanks for your comments everyone! Update 2 (7/18/08) : As expected, there was no iPhone launch today in Puerto Rico. I just wanted to point out how these rumors get started and show that by leaving your sources unnamed you are basically taking responsability for what you say. Update 3 (8/18/08) : El Nuevo Dia has posted a date range ( September - December 2008)