Frenzic... On iPhone... Finally!

· 5 min read
When Apple announced the iPhone lots of companies felt the pinch that innovation brings. They were used to phones bring walled gardens, not really open to developers. One company however immediately saw an opportunity and felt they had to be let in to build their game on the device. That company was The Iconfactory, the game, Frenzic. I really don't know why it took so long for the game to be released on the iPhone when The Iconfactory was one of the first companies on-board the iPhone with a version of Twitteriffic (a free version, and a ridiculously priced $10 version... kind of makes me wonder what their CPMs on The Deck are), but Gedeon posted on his blog that he was happy that it was not a launch application. Frenzic is $5 on the App Store right now. It is fun, addictive and best of all, portable.