My FeedFlix Data

· 5 min read
I've complained a lot about wanting my PS3 to be able to play Netflix watch-now content. Here's some concrete data that shows how I use Netflix.
    You have been a Netflix member since July 2007 and have returned 133 titles to dateYou most recently returned a movie on 10/Feb/09 i.e. 8 days agoYou keep titles at home for an average of 12 daysYou see 4.7 titles by DVD and 9.3 titles by Instant Watch each monthYou've indicated that you are on the 3 at-a-time (Unlimited) plan which costs $17.99/month (including the $1/mo Blu-ray fee)Your cost/DVD rental is $3.86. Your cost/movie (including Instant Watch) is $1.29You're in the 34th percentile. i.e., 34% of FeedFlixers pay less than you per movie 
Yeah, give me Watch Now on my console and I'd be watching so much more stuff its not even funny. Actually, I guess its best for Netflix that I don't have access to it or I'd be breaking the $1 mark per movie watched. If you want to checkout how much you pay for your Netflix rentals go to FeedFlix. It's fast and easy. Let me know your results!