What I'm Building

· 5 min read
I really love my 'live feed' on the right here. It is actually Evan Sims' FriendFeed Activity Widget. Sadly I think I've been hitting the limit of what it can do for me and I just want to point out what I will be working on in the next few days, after my first project for Solution Nine is out the door.
    Shorten Links I love knowing when my links get clicked on, therefore I want all my links to be shortened by Bit.ly.Backup My Images I want all my picture uploads to Twitter, to have a small preview on the site as part of my Live Feed, this would also be a great opportunity for it to be uploaded to my Flickr account. So I want it to do that.Reduce Redundant Linking I need my Live Feed to know when not to post a Twitter update, so the Live Feed widget will also be the one to post to Twitter when I create a new blog post.Integrate with Lightwindow If I have a link coming in from YouTube I want to show a little screenshot of the video and if you click on it I want it to open a lightwindow box to play the video. I don't want to lose my traffic to YouTube, they already get enough of that. I'll include a link under the image to go to the YouTube page.Help Me Monetize My blog is a work of love. I get nothing for running the blog and it costs me a few bucks a year to maintain it. If I link to an item I'd love for my widget to automatically update the link to my affiliate link on those sites. I'm pretty sure others would appreciate it too once the widget is public.
If you have any other ideas for the widget please let me know. I'm pretty sure those features I've listed cover my wish-list in a plugin, but probably not everybody's. The widget will obviously be open-source and available through the WordPress website once it is released. I just wanted to jot my thoughts down and hopefully get some feedback. This project still does not have a name.