Fallout 3 DLC Exclusivity is more like "Timed Exclusivity"

· 5 min read
Well, Bethesda finally announced that Fallout 3 is indeed getting the DLC patches, more than that however they also announced a Game of the Year version that will include all the patches for $60. This means that even though it really sucks that we have to wait until October for the full Fallout 3 experience, the PS3 version ended out on top for hold-outs since the GOTY version saves you the cost of all the DLC packs combined. Who loses? Bethesda. Unless they got a pretty nice check from Microsoft for this one, they could be enjoying my money -now- rather than getting way less of it later. Oh well. Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2009/05/19/fallout-3-dlc-coming-to-ps3-beginning-late-june-two-new-multipl/