Sweet.fm makes Last.fm that much more awesome.

· 5 min read
screen-shot-2009-07-17-at-123045-am Sweet.fm is a open source project that just became my favorite last.fm streaming application. In addition to looking great it adds something that I could only dream about before, music export. Basically if you are listening to a song, it downloads it for you and adds it to your iTunes library. Pretty sweet, huh? The software is not perfect, it's had some streaming errors and buffering problems and honestly I don't understand why they did the station selection the way they did, but thats the great thing about open source software somebody is bound to fix it. If you dont like the skin? It has a skinning engine as well. Its really a whole lot of awesomeness in one small package. The bugs I've experienced are on the Snow Leopard beta, maybe its super stable in Leopard (it most likely isnt). Just had to post this though, enjoy! Features and info available at: sweetfmapp.com or chocomoko.com Code and application can be downloaded from: Google Code