Where is the native Meebo App for iPhone?

· 5 min read
When Apple previewed OS 3.0 one of the companies that was on stage to show off push notifications was Meebo. This made it seem that they would be one of the first applications with push when it finally got rolled out. That was a while ago and there is still no Meebo for iPhone. Why does this matter when there is AIM and Beejive already? Well AIM has ads, those are a dealbreaker. Theres a pay version without ads but it only has AIM and if im going to pay itd better be more functionality than something that should have been there fron day one (I still chaim iChat should have been a launch app). So that brings us to Beejive. Im definetly not paying $10 for a chatting app. Im happy that they can get away with that but I dont think thats a reasonable price point. (It used to be $15, totally outrageous.) Then theres the issue that it just doesnt seem to look good. Call me elitist, but I like my apps to look like they belong and Beejive seems a bit cluttered. Then theres the free, all-network plus SIP app: Fring If it had not been designed by a 5 year old I would use it all the time. Oh and whoever decided not to include a dialpad on the sip in-call screen should be taken out back and shot. It makes the application 80% useless, 100% useless if you want to use it with Google Voice since it has prompts for call recording and Listen In. All in all It boils down to I want the clean interface that they showed in that keynote and transcript sync with the Meebo online service and only Meebo can give me that.