All Hollows Eve

· 5 min read
I don't celebrate many holidays. Halloween is amongst the ones that I have not participated in for the longest time. I really have not thought of why but while listening to Radio Nowhere's Filmic they played the theme for The Exorsist and it reminded me of how I really do love a well made horror film. I don't particularly care for candy, and I definitely don't like dressing up, but it's really the unadulterated fact that this holiday exists just to sell useless stuff that nobody would buy otherwise that gets to me. With that said, I am due for another screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and Denver is one of the cities that has never taken a break from showing it in a theater in the 35 years since it first graced them. So instead of silly haunted houses, dumb costumes that are too risque for 12 year olds, and senseless distribution of Nestle products. I went to see RHPC at the Esquire theater, live 'cast' and props included. In the line they came around with lipstick and marked those who had never seen it with a red V (V for Virgin). More than half the audience were RHPS Virgins. The whole idea is that people will be acting out the movie as you watch. People will be shouting things at the screen, mostly innapropiate, and in certain scenes also throwing things. In the beggining wedding scene they throw rice against the wishes of the management. In certain areas they just declare the movie to be boring and they start playing the Macarena so everybody stays entertained. It's really the first time I had heard of any of this and I had a pretty good time. My main complaint is that due to the nature of the stage show more than one person was showting things and you ended up unable to hear what was going on. Or you'd hear one half of the setup joke and then miss Tim Curry answer it with the punchline. Basically everything I am afraid will happen everytime I go to a theatre and I see small children. It seems like for a showing with as many 'virgins' as this one a little organization on who would do the shouting (and a loudspeaker) would have been great. I think everybody would have beneffitted and would have made the stage show even more ridiculous because not only would they be acting out the events but also participating with the movie. At the end of the night, it certainly was fun. Will I come back next year? Most likely, if I do some due dilligence and learn some lines to heckle myself. To learn more about the group that put together the show you can visit (They are looking for male cast members)